How To Be A Happy Mom

You CAN be a happy mom! You really can...listen, I've had three kids and I know how crazy and stressful and depressing life can get, but you are not alone! You are an amazing woman with normal feelings that sometimes get redirected by hormones or lack of sleep, or other factors. Maybe you are just provoked and at the end of your rope, but hey...let me offer you another rope...just give it a try and the sun will be shining on your side of the fence! Reading one or two articles may help a little but won't change your life, but my book has proven solutions to living a happy life as a mom...begin today! I know, I've been there and helped other moms too.

Dowload my e-book right now and start smiling is meant to have joy! Regain your passion for life! Polka Dot Moms is a light-hearted, self-help book for moms and women. Learn to create a more purposeful, enriched life filled with joy and peace.  A great self-help read and a great gift to you or a friend! You deserve to be happy...
Be the mom you want to be!

..."if we take time for ourselves, we will be able to give others more quality and quantity in the long run".
 -Jared A. Miller D.C.

Bath time just got better! Whether a quick shower, a long bath, or a foot soak, this easy homemade sugar scrub will leave your skin feeling soft and silky again...the natural sugar exfoliates dead skin. make your own scrub for a fraction of the price of retail scrubs. I have been using my recipe for years.


I was still bloated from Thanksgiving, so I thought I would try to ease my digestive system a little, and what I found was weight loss! I lost 6 ponds in 3 days!... so I wanted to share what little I actually did, for free! I just love to help moms!!! Just in case others were in the same bloated boat as is what I did...


 Pre-Breakfast: (30 minutes prior to breakfast)1 cup of hot water with 1 packet hebal mint tea and 1 tsp. agave nectar to sweeten. I followed up by drinking 1 cup cold water

Breakfast: 1-11 ounce "Atkins" Advantage brand  Protein drink (dark chocolate flavor)

Morning Snack: 1 cup mint tea followed by 1 small, whole tangerine

Lunch: 1-11 ounce "Atkins" Advantage Protein drink

An Hour After Lunch: drank 1 bottle of water, and mixed in a small packet of "Kellogs"
brand powdered “Protein drink mix” (Kiwi/Strawberry flavored) It helps keep you full!

Mid-Day Snack: Munched on 1/2 piece of large Raw Cucumber with skin on…and slowly drank 1 bottled water

Later: 1 bottle of water, and I mixed in a small packet of "Kelloggs" brand powdered Protein/fiber drink mix (Kiwi/Strawberry flavored)

Later: 1-11 ounce "Atkins" Advantage Protein drink (Strawberry flavor)

Dinner: Cooked Salmon (about the size of my hand, flat) and steamed green beans with spray soy butter (brand: "I can't believe it's not butter, spray")

Late night: 1 cup of hot water with 1 packet hebal mint tea and 1 tsp. agave nectar to sweeten, plus one cup cold water. Then chewed on sugar-free gum.

DAY TWO: Did the same all day, except my morning snack was a small whole apple with skin and dinner was just one "Atkins" protein drink (milk chocolate flavor) and a bowl of steamed green peas with soy butter spray (posted above). 

DAY THREE: Did the same as day one, except Morning Snack was 1 bottle of water, and I mixed in a small packet of "Kelloggs" brand powdered Protein/fiber drink mix (Kiwi/Strawberry flavored) . After 15 minutes, I realized it filled me up just enough!
 My dinner was roasted chicken (about the size of my fist) with serving of fresh greens-spinach salad mix (from salad bag) with 1/4 avocado and 1/4 mango. I used a light ranch dressing (1/2 fat because it uses yoghurt-found in the refrigerated section in the produce isle (next to bagged salads).

Drinking lots of water, as you probably already know, helps clean out the body, but there is more to this…

GOOD TO KNOW INFO: I DRANK ABOUT 8-12 CUPS WATER EACH DAY, INCLUDING MINT TEA (which helped even more with digestion and expelling extra water)
(NOT SALTED OR ROASTED)…it helps you feel full while adding good fats…just like the salmon!

*Mint Tea: helps the digestive system and expels “extra” water from body, especially when bloated from salty meals, preservatives, etc.
*Protein: can take four hours to digest so it keeps you full longer. The protein/fiber water fills longer than water alone…for me, I last about 1-1 ½ hours longer before a hunger pang hits. The liquid protein is easier on the digestive system/belly, so no bulky bloating!
*Fruit as morning snack: besides filling and good for digestion, the natural sugars in the morning snack of the apple give me natural energy, yet the fiber in the apple is filling and does not allow the blood sugars to spike up.
*Agave Nectar: tastes like light honey, but unlike honey, suagr and maple syrup, agave nectar does not effect the blood sugar levels so you don’t get those energy depleting high’s and low’s that you get with sugars. Agave necatar can be found at health food stores and even Wal-Mart. Check the maple syrup area/isle or to the peanut butter/jelly area. It comes from a desert plant which looks like a huge aloe plant. The nectar comes from the inner center of the plant, which resembles a pineapple. It comes in organic form too. too.

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